Thursday, January 26, 2017

Rubberband Gun

When I was growing up, I spent many hours playing with a rubber-band gun.
I think Silas will also enjoy his.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Growing too fast.

Only 5 years old and already pretty big.

Over 4 feet!

23.5 Kg.  That's 52lbs. Or 3.7 stone (for the Brits in the room)

Early Start Discovery Museum

One great thing about home school... field trips!
Here we are at a fun kids museum.
There are tons of hands-on things to do.
Here Silas learns about a cash register.  I doubt he'll need that skill.  We won't likely have them after a few more years.

Construction is always a good skill to have.

Building... Here we tried to build an aeroplane.

I won't fly, but it is still fun.

There is a great ship where Silas can load and unload cargo.
I think he is looking for icebergs.

Mum ans Silas doing their Titanic impersonation.

Birthday Gifts from Grandmother Graves

Silas loves all the packages that arrive from around the world near his birthday and Christmas.  Yes... he is spoiled rotten!

Lots of ideas for Legos... except for how to pay for all the Legos!!

He loved the card!

Mum and Silas at Birthday Lunch

Silas wanted to eat at Grill'd Burgers for his birthday lunch.
Here are a few photos of him with his mum.