Saturday, June 16, 2012

Silas' Hoodie

As Papa dons a short sleeved Hawaiian shirt, Silas has on a hooded jumper
(jacket for the US folk).

He is looking very hip and warm.

...or maybe he's roasting like a KFC chicken!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Toy Box

Wayne and Janette bought this beautiful toy box for Eden and now Silas is using it.

Wow! Look at all these toys!

Tina is trying to teach Silas to put things away.

Silas is thinking of jumping in.

Since Silas was camera shy, Mum had to turn his head for me.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Around The World

Tina likes to play a game with Silas using one of our swivel chairs.

She has him hold on while she violently spins the chair.

Ok, she actually spins the chair very slowly while singing "It's a Small World" to him.  It's kind of like his very first ride at Disneyland.

He keeps letting go of the back.

Mum to the rescue.  "Hold on here Munchkin."

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Big Boy PJs

Silas now has some "big boy" PJs.

They would look great on a Christmas morning.

Silas doesn't seem to care much.

I think these dinosaur PJs are made for nine-month old kids.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day Spa

Most babies just get a bath, but for Silas it's more like a day at the spa!

Bath, then some oil on the head.

Body massage and more oil.

Each arm and leg gets a nice rub.

A little powder on the face to make it soft.

Done!  I think I need to remind Tina that Silas is a BOY!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Belly Laugh

Tina is getting really good at making Silas laugh.

No, she doesn't tell him jokes.... it mostly involves tickling and kisses.

Breathe Silas, Breathe

What a cutie.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Silas in the Park

We took Silas to the park again.  Tina had some fun with him on the swing.  Of course, she has to keep him protected from the sun at all times.

Hmmm, he seems unimpressed.

Perhaps a trip down the slide will make you smile Silas!

That's a pretty big slide!

Wow, he's big enough to fit in the kiddy swing.

Here's mum with the umbrella...again!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jolly Jumper

Today Silas got himself a "Jolly Jumper."
Yes, it looks more like a skydiver's outfit than a toy for a child.  It is a parachute-type harness connected to a strong spring.  He hovers with his feet just touching the ground.

"You want to put me into WHAT?"

"And just what am I supposed to do now?"

Tina tries to explain to him that he can jump.

"I'm SO confused."

"Like this?"

"Hey, this is really FUN!"

"Check me out Daddy!"

"Um, Mama, I think my milk is going to make a second appearance this morning."

Monday, June 4, 2012

Mum and Silas at the Mall

Silas may be tired of shopping but he sure isn't tired of sitting on Mum's shoulder!

Tina would rather hold Silas than shop too.  I may actually save money in the long run!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Moose PJs

It's now cold enough for Silas to put on his moose PJs, much to his mother's delight.

Mama loves to show him off.

He looks pretty comfy, eh?

He must think they look funny.

Such CUTE feet!
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