Thursday, February 2, 2012

Classic Nude Shot

At the risk of embarrassing my son in years to come, I figured we'd take a classic nude shot.


  1. Don't you know it is a Dad and Mom's job to embarrass their children?? It is SO much fun!! :) This is such an awesome picture! Your son will be glad his Dad is such a great photographer!!!! All my kids pictures seem to be blurry and when Heather was about 5 we were looking through some of her baby pictures and she looked at me so seriously and said, "When I was a baby I had red eyes!" Hahahahahaha!!!

    LOVE YOU!!

    Aunt Linda

  2. How precious is that photo! He's even smiling as he's teetering precariously in a football hold!
    Love it!
    Fran :)

  3. Anne Geddes - eat your heart out! Love you Silas ("Auntie Normie")
