Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Little Dallas Fan

Thanks to my sister Linda in Texas for sending Silas some Cowboy gear. He was surprised when I told him Dallas didn't get into the playoffs this year.
He was happy to hear the season starts again in 7 seven months.
Thanks to a high speed camera, I was able to capture Silas signaling the Dallas Cowboys are #1. It was either that or he was about to pick his nose. I'm not sure.


  1. Awwwwwwwww!!!!! He looks so cute!!!! I love how your comments really capture what he looks like he is thinking!!! Adorable!!!!!
    Aunt Linda

  2. Are you sure he wasn't just surprised that you thought they would be in the playoffs :)

    By the way, The Lobos won the Conference Championship this year and are a #5 seed in the NCAA Tournament. Woof, woof!!!
